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Collect payload data

Once you have accepted and started the allocated task, you will be able to enter payload data for any allocated deliveries.

Enter payloader data

Tap on an 'in progress' allocated task (yellow) to display the deliveries on the allocated task.

Tap a delivery entry to display any current timesheet, proof of delivery or site report entries.

Either click on existing timesheet to enter data, or tap the plus icon ➕ in the bottom right of the screen, then choose the stop watch icon Timer to create a new timesheet entry for the selected delivery.

Tap Confirm to open the new timesheet.

Enter the payload data in the relevant fields

  • Mass: Enter tonnage for Destination, Source, and Vehicle if applicable (note: Only destination mass will be used in mass related cost and sell price calculations).
  • Start / end time: Enter the start and end times to calculate the hours for the timesheet.
  • Breaks: Enter any breaks to include (will be deducted from hours total).
  • Travel: Enter and travel time (will be added to hours total).
  • Notes: Enter any notes related to the delivery.
  • Primary: see below

Tap the Save button to save the payload data.

Primary timesheet

When you nominate a timesheet as "Primary" it will clear times from all other timesheets for this delivery, leaving only the hours on the primary timesheet.

This will force the system to calculate a single timesheet for this delivery.

Capture proof of delivery (POD)

See Proof of delivery for more information.

Enter site reports

Tap on an 'in progress' allocated task (yellow) to display the deliveries on the allocated task.

Tap a delivery entry to display any current timesheet, proof of delivery or site report entries.

Tap the plus icon ➕ in the bottom right of the screen, then choose the report icon List, then choose the report type from the list to create a new site report entry for the selected delivery.

Enter the site report details and choose Accept to save the site report entry.

These reports and forms can be customised to your requirements, additional forms can be added as required.