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Docket filters

Choose the Dockets menu option from the left hand menu.

💡 The Dockets menu option may have been renamed in your version of Payloader, for example it could be called: Worklogs or Timesheets.

On mobile, first click the hamburger menu icon Menu in the top left of your screen then follow the instructions above.

Click the dots-h icon on the upper right of the screen to display the docket menu.

Select Filters to display the docket filters sidebar.

Docket filters​

The following filters are available for a docket:-

  • Billing period
  • Project
  • Source
  • Sub-contractor
  • Vehicle
  • Driver
  • Entered by
  • Start date
  • End date
  • Show closed

Docket line filters​

The following filters are available for a docket line:-

  • Billing period
  • Project
  • Source
  • Sub-contractor
  • Vehicle
  • Driver
  • Destination
  • Item
  • Entered by
  • Start date
  • End date
  • Show closed