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View, add and edit vehicles.

Before adding a transaction you will need to create at least one vehicle.

Choose the Master files menu option from the left hand menu, then click Vehicles to access the Vehicle register.

On mobile, first click the hamburger menu icon Menu in the top left of your screen then follow the instructions above.

Sort / filter vehicles

Select sub-contractor: Choose a sub-contractor to filter by sub-contractor

Sort by: Vehicles can be sorted by ID, Name and Updated date.

Filter by: Payloader will search a range of key data fields (eg ID, name, notes etc)

Show inactive: Toggle to include inactive records

Adding a new vehicle

See Adding a vehicle in the getting started section.

Editing a vehicle

Click the pencil ✏️ icon in the top right corner of the vehicle card to display the Edit vehicle dialog.

Modify the vehicle details as necessary :-

  • Vehicle registration or name
  • Vehicle type: Refer to the vehicle type section
  • Contractor: Must be linked to a sub-contractor
  • Tonnage: Max. tonnage or the vehicle (used to limit driver data entry from the app
  • Details / notes)
  • Active / Inactive

Click EDIT to save your changes.

Delete a vehicle

Click on the trash can icon Delete in the lower right of the vehicle card to open the Delete dialog.

You will be asked to confirm your choice.